Global B2B Custom Data

It is true to say that every business is unique, bespoke data solutions are the need of the day. A niche business requires a niche solution to an extent where a pre-packaged dataset simply won’t work. Not all businesses can generate results with off-the shelf data solutions. You need to get realistic and ask yourself questions before making the decision to invest in a pre-packaged list.

Is it the reach or the effectiveness that matters to you?

Custom Data is our proprietary offering. What this means is that there’s absolutely no player in the market that offers custom data offerings. We build exclusive data that is custom-built & segmented as per the industry; profile & geography of your choice; to ensure you reach the most perfect business audience that can have a direct impact on your results.

Why You Need it?

While exploring what data works best for your organization, you have a choice – to take the custom route or opt for a pre-packaged list. This is a tough call to make, why? While a pre-packaged list might come at a cost effective package and help you reach a mass audience, a custom package will narrow your scope and enable focused communications with a core set of audience. Ultimately it all narrows down to what the focus of your campaign is.

Is it to reach a wider audience that facilitates brand recall or to optimize customer engagement with a custom list?

While there might be lots of companies that may not want to spend time & resources on developing a custom-data list, a pre-packaged comes nowhere close to what a custom list can offer when the focus is results. Imagine the efficiency of your multi-channel campaigns with up to 75+ intelligence fields. Having enjoyed the status of being an industry leader for Global B2B Data solutions, we can say that there’s a remarkable shift in the contact data requirements over the years. The trends are clear and obvious – Custom data is creating waves across the globe. Take the generic spray & pray approach off your campaign, run precision-targeted campaigns tailored to impact & influence your customers.

Additional Fields Covered

Job Function
Employees Range
Revenue Range
SIC Code
SIC Description
NAICS Description
NAICS Description
Location Type
Linkedin URL
Contact Gender
Stock Exchange
Stock Ticker Symbol
Location Type Top 3 Competitors eCommerce flag Advertising Providers
(HQ/SL/Branch) TelecomProvider Analytics and Tracking Providers
Company Type (Public /Private) PhoneType (Landline / Mobile ) JavaScript Libraries Providers
Credit Score Code Contact Linkedin URL Audio/Video Media Providers
Stock Exchange Social Presence Indicator (Company Linkedin/Facebook/Twitter etc) Mobile Providers
Stock Ticker Symbol Web Server Widgets Providers
Number of PCs Used (Range) SSL Certificate Content Delivery Network Providers
Square Footage Hosting Providers Aggregation Functionality Providers
Subsidiary Indicator Nameserver Providers Document Information Providers
Latitude Email Services Providers Encoding Providers
Longitude Content Management CSS Media Queries Providers
Company Year of Establishment Systems Providers Server Information Providers
Website IP Frameworks Providers INTERNATIONAL CDN Providers

Deep Business Intelligence

Company Fax

SIC Code


Finally, why do you precisely need data-cleansing?

  • Offline Resources
  • Archived Web
  • Active Web
  • Case Studies
  • Whitepapers
  • Press Release
  • News & Blogs
  • Job Posting
  • Govt. Docs
  • Parsing & Cleaning
  • Machine Learned Curation
  • Proprietary Ontologies
  • Pattern Matching & NLP
  • Analytics
  • Entity Resolution
  • Mashing & Integration
  • Product install confirmation
  • Product Naming Normalization
  • Product to company location confirmation
  • Full company firmagraphic Append
  • Human resolution of statistically relevant sample
  • Independent phone surveys for further validation
  • Company
  • Technology
  • Location
  • Date
  • Tradeshows, events and conferences
  • Government records and listings
  • Tradeshow Attendee Lists
  • Postal Service Information (NCOA)
  • Public Record Information
  • Annual reports, SEC filings and public filings
  • Business and trade magazine subscriptions
  • B2B Directory Partnerships
  • Free Magazines/Newspaper Subscription Offers
  • Business Trade magazine subscription Offers
  • 9,000+ Telephone and online Directories and Yellow pages
  • Websites and Blogs
  • Opt-in email campaigns with offers
  • Web Based Registrations / offers
  • TV, Radio and Print Advertising
  • Surveys and feedback forms
  • Phone surveys &
  • Point of sale

And this is just one of the many data gems we offer. Want to Know What’s Trending?

Data Enrichment – Given the growth splurge and competition across the B2B Landscape, there’s a humongous rise in customer data. With data comes the unavoidable element of data decay, your campaigns are only as effective as your data. Discover how Top Fortune companies globally are opting for Data Enrichment as an indelible part of their data management & multi-channel campaigns.